Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Book Dedication

To the memory of
Paul Dana Walker

and to Pastors
Randy & Mary Byrd

Dear friends and colleagues in ministry
Who have encouraged me to share this story

"Paul Dana Walker, my youth minister who played such a remarkable role in Jessica’s deliverance, was one of the most gifted young ministers I have ever known. In all of my 35 years as a senior pastor, I have never had a staff member who was more effective, more dedicated, or more loyal. He was also one of my closest friends.

"Tragically, Paul Dana was killed in a head-on collision on Interstate-20 near Atlanta on November 19, 1980 - about eight months after Jessica’s deliverance. Paul Dana’s beautiful wife, Julie, miraculously survived the crash, which was caused by a drunk driver going the wrong way down the Interstate. However, Julie had severe multiple injuries which took many months to heal. Paul Dana would soon have graduated from Augusta College (now Augusta State University) with his Master’s degree in Psychology. The school awarded the degree to him posthumously. He had already made plans to enter a Ph.D. program at the University of Tennessee...."
--From the Epilogue

Pastors Randy and Mary Byrd of Bible Fellowship Church in Evans, Georgia, were members of my church in Augusta at the time of the exorcism. For many decades they have traveled in full time ministry with "The Byrd Family," a three-generation gospel singing group. Randy and Mary, more than anyone else, have encouraged me to share the testimony of Jessica's deliverance. They have been instrumental in opening doors for me to speak in dozens of churches throughout the United States on the subject of Spiritual Warfare.

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