Thursday, January 22, 2009


It has been twenty-seven years since I began following God’s call in my life to pastor in the United Methodist Church. I started as a part time youth director in a downtown church in Augusta, Georgia. Paul Dana Walker, my best friend and College Age Ministry leader significantly encouraged me to take this first step. Most of my childhood and adolescent years were in Southern Baptist churches, so it probably is a bit surprising my credentials would include being involved in something as bizarre as demonic deliverance. I have been part of a great number of experiences in my years as a Christian and a pastor, but I can undoubtedly say this event was unlike any other. I will quickly add that I have not had additional experiences nor have I felt a leading to take this us as a regular scheduled event in my weekly duties.

The friendship with my pastor, Stephen Conn, and Paul Dana Walker opened an avenue for me to witness God’s power of deliverance and love. I am not sure how God worked all the circumstances or “coincidences” in a way to include me, but I still remember that night in the Conn’s family room as clearly as I did then. I can see the facial expressions, hear the voices and sounds, and stunningly remember the power of prayer as we witnessed demonic powers subjected to the name and the blood of Jesus. What I remember vividly was an absence of fear. Because of the genuine love for this young girl, who was tormented and trapped by evil, God’s love cast out all fear.

As incredible as the story is, it never became a point of boasting in our mutual conversations. If anything, we shared with humility the honor to be used by God. Occasionally I have retold the happenings of this event to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. As I share, I often find myself leaving out details because the story seems too incredible (it is not the usual illustration you hear from a United Methodist pastor in North Georgia). I am thankful that Stephen has recorded this memoir in such detail. The Devil Called Collect is a gift to today’s Christian culture that often ignores, if not denies, the reality of demonic holds on people’s lives. The greater story within the sotry is of a God, who through His ever loving, providential care, chooses to use willing servants to bring the hope of salvation in Jesus Christ to a lost soul.

In your reading, may you come to know the truths I experienced: there is no one so far removed from God that He cannot reach him or her; and God will answer whoever cries out and calls to Him, even when it is collect.

H. Grady Mosley II, Senior Pastor
Prospect United Methodist Church
Lawrenceville, Georgia

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